Krásne samolepky v tejto knihe môžeš nalepiť do pripravených scenérií alebo ich použiť podľa vlastného uváženia na výzdobu listov, pohľadníc, pozvánok či na dotvorenie vlastných originálnych obrázkov.
Watt Fiona
365 nápadov na kreslenie a maľovanie. Ak dostanete chuť niečo si nakresliť alebo namaľovať,nájdete v tejto knižke inšpirácie na každý deň v roku.
Pusťte sa s deťmi do hry s odtlačkami prstov - stačí odklopiť viečko z farebných atramentových vankúšikov a zaplniť stránky v knihe vlastnými výtvormi.
Babies will love looking at the bright pictures, listening to the sounds, lifting the flaps and running their fingers over the touch-feely patches in this delightful book. They can match the sound buttons to the pictures to hear g...
This finger-printing book includes simple, step-by-step instructions for lots of pictures and scenes to create using only fingerprints, and a multi-coloured ink pad is attached to the side of the book, so no extra materials are re...
This entertaining book is bursting with ideas for fingerprinting lots of creepy crawlies, from bees and ladybirds to spiders and ants. Create scenes with hungry snails, wiggly worms, fluttering butterflies and lots more. With an i...
This book, with its own brightly coloured inkpad of seven colours, is bursting with ideas for fingerprinting cats and dogs, puppies and kittens. Each page has step by step instructions, pictures to complete and lots of space for f...
This activity book with seven coloured ink pads is full of pictures to complete with festive fingerprinting, including decorating a Christmas tree and Christmas stockings, gingerbread men and wintry snow scenes. Simple instruction...
This entertaining book is bursting with ideas for fingerprinting dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. Create scenes with Velociraptors scurrying around a forest, a sky filled with swooping Pteranodons, add plates to Stegosau...
Bursting with fun fingerprinting ideas, this colourful activity book comes with its own inkpad of seven bright colours. Decorate the garden scenes with dragonflies, squirrels, birds drinking from a fountain and much more. There ar...
Follow the simple step-by-step ideas to fill the pages in the book with monsters of all shapes and sizes. There's no need to buy paints or inks, just use the seven bright colours on the inkpad attached to the back cover.
Bursting with fun fingerprinting ideas, this colourful activity book comes with its own inkpad of seven bright colours. Decorate the underwater scenes with sharks, seahorses, narwhals, penguins and even a sunken ship. There are si...
Follow the step-by-step ideas to fill the spaces in the book with flutteringfairies and prancing unicorns. There's no need to buy paints or inks, just usethe seven bright colours on the inkpad attached to the back cover.
This book, with its own brightly coloured inkpad of seven colours, is bursting with ideas for fingerprinting animals from hedgehogs to koalas. Each page has step by step instructions, pictures to complete and lots of space for fin...
Pustite sa s deťmi do hier s otlačkami prstov - stačí odklopiť viečko z farebných atramentových vankúšikov a zaplniť úlohy v knihe vlastnými výtvormi.
Kniha plná inšpirujúcich výtvarných nápadov prináša rôzne spôsoby používania výtvarných techník s využitím množstva umeleckých materiálov a farieb na vytvorenie zvláštnych malieb, kresieb, koláží a potlačí. Je tu množstvo nápadov,...
Táto očarujúca záhrada je pokojná len zdanlivo, je tu totiž poriadne živo. Roztvor priestorové leporelo a nechaj sa vtiahnuť do farebného sveta plného zvierat a rastlín. Ktorý hladný tvor si robí zálusk na zeleninu v záhone? Čo ma...