'A whip-smart puzzle with unforgettable characters' Robin Stevens, bestselling author of Murder Most Unladylike'Compulsive Reading' Independent'Thoroughly gripping' Sunday TelegraphA story about family, self-belief and bravery, Th...
Angličtina pre najmenších s Krtkom a jeho kamarátmi! Náučný balíček na výučbu angličtiny obsahuje obrázkový slovníček a pexeso.
Angličtina pre najmenších s Krtkom a jeho kamarátmi! Náučný balíček na výučbu angličtiny obsahuje obrázkový slovníček a pexeso.
Mr Brit je anglický detektív, ktorý sa snaží prísť na to, kto ukradol podkovy zo stajne na anglickom vidieku. Deti mu pomáhajú odhaliť páchateľa tým, že vypĺňajú zaujímavé úlohy v angličtine. Musia počúvať inštrukcie v angličtine,...
Príprava na písomnú formu internej časti maturitnej skúšky. Preštudujte si, ako sa píšu jednotlivé útvary maturitného slohu: OPIS OSOBY, OPIS MIESTA, RECENZIA, ROZPRÁVANIE, ÚRADNÉ LISTY, SÚKROMNÉ LISTY, ČLÁNOK, ESEJ Pozrite si:...
Deväťročná Klára býva v Trenčíne a učí sa po anglicky. Píše si s Jackom z Anglicka. Jack je z Oxfordu a má desať rokov. Píše si s Klárou zo Slovenska. Klára a Jack sa spoznávajú a dozvedia sa všeličo o živote detí v Anglicku a n...
A brand-new Winnie-the-Pooh story, featuring the best-loved characters from the Hundred Acre Wood. Whatever we do, there's always two, there's Winnie-the-Pooh plus Me. And Pooh said, 'That is very true.'But sort of wondered if I k...
"The Pelican spread his huge white wings and flew down on to the road beside me. 'Hop in,' he said, opening his enormous beak . .."MEET BILLY. A kid with a dream. He wants to turn an old wooden house into an incredible sweetshop f...
Even wizards produce leftovers. But a wizard's rubbish is laced with magic, and for the rats that forage this rubbish, the magic has changed them - they can speak and read, and have rather grand ambitions for a comfortable retirem...
Enjoy the early adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh and friends in Winnie-the-Pooh Once There Was a Bear (the Official Prequel) Beautiful new paperback edition of Winnie-the-Pooh Once There Was a Bear. We all have a special place in our...
"Human beans is not really believing in giants, is they? Human beans is not thinking we exist."One dark, silvery moonlit night, Sophie is snatched from her bed by a giant!Luckily it is the Big Friendly Giant (the BFG), who is no o...
"To pay Mrs Twit back for the worms in his spaghetti, Mr Twit thought up a really clever, nasty trick . . ."Mr Twit is a foul and smelly man who always has bits of cornflake and sardine in his beard.Mrs Twit is scheming and sly an...
"On a hill above the valley there was a wood. In the wood there was a huge tree. Under the tree there was a hole.In the hole lived Mr Fox and Mrs Fox and their four Small Foxes. . ."Mr Fox is a very clever fox - every evening he c...
"One child a week is fifty-two a year. Squish them and squiggle them and make them disappear."This is a story about REAL WITCHES. Real witches dress in ordinary clothes, have ordinary jobs and look very much like ordinary people.B...
Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this Gold Ticket from Mr Willy Wonka! Tremendous things are in store for you!Charlie Bucket's life is about to change forever, thanks to one miraculous moment!Willy Wonka, chocolate maker extr...
'Did we go too far?' Charlie asked. 'Too far?' cried Mr Wonka. 'Of course we went too far! We've gone into orbit!'WHOOSH! Inside the Great Glass Elevator, Willy Wonka, Charlie Bucket and his family are cruising a thousand feet abo...
Krtko spolu s kamarátmi pomáha deťom s anglickými slovíčkami. Zošit obsahuje 48 slovíčok, ktoré sú na listoch z pevného kartónu a dajú sa ľahko vylomiť a použiť. Deti sa pomocou obrázkov zábavnou a hravou formou zoznámia so základ...
Krtko spolu s kamarátmi pomáha deťom s anglickými slovíčkami. Zošit obsahuje 48 slovíčok, ktoré sú na listoch z pevného kartónu a dajú sa ľahko vylomiť a použiť. Deti sa pomocou obrázkov zábavnou a hravou formou zoznámia so základ...
Nová verzia hry Postreh s témou aktivity v anglickom jazyku.
Nauč sa po anglicky s pánom Oskarom! Na najvyššom poschodí vysokánskej budovy býva milý a priateľský pes. Volá sa pán Oskar. Vydaj sa s ním a s jeho zlatou rybkou Pipom na cestu plnú dobrodružstiev. Stráviš noc pod hviezdnou obloh...
EVERY LAND NEEDS ITS OWN WITCH. There's a monster in the river, a headless horsemen in the drive. And now Granny Aching has gone, there's only young Tiffany Aching left to guard the boundaries. It's her land. Her duty. But i...
SAYING IT WITH FROZEN ROSES AND ICEBERGSYoung witch Tiffany Aching leaps into a dance - and suddenly the spirit of winter is in love with her. Now she's dancing to his tune, and she can't change the steps. Unless she can work ...
Widely thought of as the best book Terry Pratchett ever wrote, this is a story of a Nation, a story of a friendship, a story of growing up and the truths we must learn. And it's soon clear that Daphne and Mau must fight for their ...
A hilarious fantasy, perfect for ages seven and up, by master storyteller Terry Pratchett - the first book he ever wrote!In the beginning, there was nothing but endless flatness.